The Accompli Business 360

The Business 360 often is the starting point for Accompli engagements. While accomplishing work that is valuable in itself, the process rapidly educates Accompli about the client situation, enabling more precise and customized service. It also fosters the development of personal relationships with client leaders, which come in handy later.

Feedback based on anonymous 360-degree interviews or surveys is a staple of leadership development. It’s effective, because it enables an individual to escape the limits of subjectivity, through exposure to the views of others. It’s valuable, because in normal circumstances, people would not express their views so candidly. So 360 feedback is a tool to help people engage more deeply with the reality around them. It creates awareness that can drive learning and growth.

The Accompli Business 360 applies that principle to teams, organizations, and entire businesses. We collaborate with clients to devise pertinent questions. We conduct confidential interviews with key stakeholders, in ways that encourage exceptional candor. We then present the findings in team meetings – carefully protecting the anonymity of interviewees – and facilitate action-oriented conversations.

It’s a simple process, but extraordinarily powerful. Instead of getting advice from an outside consultant, clients hear their own voices, often for the first time. The feedback may be challenging, but it is self-evidently authentic, relevant – and authoritative. The option of ignoring the “elephant in the room” no longer exists. Result: teams mobilize readily into action.